For a typical Indian Christian wedding, the groom mostly wears a formal suit. They usually wear a black or white suit depending on the theme of the wedding. He wears a white shirt and has a boutonniere on the left lapel of his jacket. Contrary to popular concept, the bride does not always wear a white frothy gown.
Table of Contents
What does a Christian Indian wedding look like?
The most important part of the Indian Christian marriage ceremony is the tying of thali (Minnu). Thali is a leaf shaped pendant with a cross made of seven beads in the center. The groom places a Thali around the neck of the bride. The knot reflects the stability and permanence of marriage.
Can a Christian do a Hindu marriage?
Marriage between a Hindu and a Christian is invalid under the Hindu Marriage Act, as the Act provides for only Hindu couples to enter into wedlock, the Supreme Court has ruled.
Can a Hindu marry a Christian girl?
Marriage between a Hindu woman and a Christian man is not legally valid if either of them does not convert, the Madras High Court today held. MADURAI: Marriage between a Hindu woman and a Christian man is not legally valid if either of them does not convert, the Madras High Court today held.
Do Indian Christians kiss the bride?
Not all Indian Christian weddings end with ‘You may now kiss the bride’. Most couples choose to kiss either on the cheeks or not kiss at all.
Are Christians allowed to wear Mangalsutra?
A Christian woman need not wear a mangalsutra, as Bible scripture tells us to not be unequally yoked with those who are not Christian.
Is haldi ceremony allowed in Christianity?
An Indian Christian wedding often has the haldi and mehendi ceremony. Both bride and groom at their respective houses are applied haldi amidst dance and music. Mehendi takes place at the residence of the bride, usually a day before the wedding. This ceremony is also accompanied by music and dance.
Why do Christians tie thali?
For a Christian Indian woman, wearing a Thali is a sign that she is married. Rings are also sometimes exchanged, but usually only during the engagement ceremony. Another difference is that the groom does not kiss the bride in church.
Why do Christians kiss at weddings?
The kiss is said to symbolize the fulfilment of the scripture that says “and the two shall become one flesh” in the Bible (Mark 10:8) which is a repeat of the account in Genesis. Whatever the reason it has endured through time, we’re pretty glad that the wedding kiss has stood the test of time.
Is church marriage legal in India?
1. A marriage in a church has no legal sanctity under the Christian Marriage Act unless both i.e man and woman are Christians. So your marriage does not have any validity in the eyes of law.
Can Hindu go to church?
For Hindus, there is no weekly worship service, no set day or time in which a community is called to gather publicly. Although most Hindus do visit temples regularly, or at least occasionally, to pray and make offerings, a “good” Hindu need never worship in public.
What religion is most similar to Hinduism?
Hinduism mostly shares common terms with the other Indian religions, including Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Islam shares common characteristics with Abrahamic religionsโthose religions claiming descent from the prophet Abrahamโbeing, from oldest to youngest, Judaism, Christianity, Islam.
Can Hindus marry outside their religion?
Most Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Jains strongly support stopping interreligious marriage. Not only are interreligious marriages rare in India, but in recent years, some couples marrying outside their communities have experienced severe consequences, including being ostracized and even killed by family members.
Can a Hindu get married in a Catholic church?
As per the report, the Church allows a Catholic to marry a member of another faith, who does not want to be baptised, only in special circumstances. Even then, such marriages are not considered sacrament even if conducted inside a church.
Is dating allowed in Hinduism?
Originally Answered: Why is Dating not allowed in Hindu society? Dating is not mandated in any religion. Whether it is Christianity or Buddhism. Dating is a cultural construct and is a modern take on the humankind’s ancient habit of courtship.
Do Indian Christians wear thali?
8. Tying a wedding thali to solemnise the marriage. The westerners don’t follow this, but our Indian Christian grooms tie a thali (Mangalsutra) around their bride’s necks. This is typically followed by South Indian Christians.
Where are the most Christians in India?
Largest Christian population in Kerala at 6.14 million (18.4% of state population), Majority in Nagaland at 87.9%, Mizoram at 87.2% and Meghalaya at 74.6%. Plurality in Manipur at 41.3% and Arunachal Pradesh at 31%. Significant populations in Goa at 25.1%, Pondicherry at 10.8% and Tamil Nadu at 6.2%.
Can unmarried girls wear mangalsutra?
Hindu Vedas permit unmarried girls to keep the Karwachauth fast. Hence, some people assume that it is ok for unmarried girls to wear mangalsutra. It’s not the case though. A mangalsutra should be worn by married women only.
Can a Catholic wear mangalsutra?
Lakra also said the Roman Catholic Church allows the bride to apply vermillion and wear mangalsutra but the Evangelical Church doesn’t. “Haldi ceremony is conducted before the formal wedding. Turmeric is applied on the bride and the groom by their respective relatives.
What is the story behind mangalsutra?
The necklace serves as a visual marker of status as a married Hindu woman. Mangala sutra’s origin dates back to the 6th Century AD as a single yellow thread was tied around the bride for protection from other men and evil spirits. Mangala sutra is a social practice widespread in India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.
Why do people have 3 knots?
It is said that the first knot of Rakhi is tied for the long life of the brother, the second knot is for the long life of oneself, and the third knot is tied to protect the strong bond between brother and sister.
Is it OK to kiss before marriage in India?
In India, most marriages are still arranged, and the rate of sex before marriage is low, according to a government survey, so passionate kissing among the unmarried has long been discouraged. Many married couples refrained as well, at least in front of other people.
How do I kiss my wife at my wedding?

Is kissing before marriage a sin?
Does Scripture command people not to kiss before marriage? No. The Bible doesn’t explicitly forbid kissing between two unmarried people. A Christian couple that is dating with the consideration of marriage or is engaged doesn’t necessarily sin because they share a kiss in a manner that retains their purity.
Do Christians need marriage certificate?
Essential Requirements Neither of the party should have a living spouse at the time of the marriage. The marriage must be performed in the presence of a person licensed to grant a certificate of marriage and at least two reliable witnesses.