Although the cost will vary depending on where you’re located and which hairstylist you chose, Sisterlocks are generally a bit of an investment. According to Johnson, Sisterlocks that are four inches or shorter will typically start at $850. And if your hair is longer, an extra $100 is charged per inch.
Table of Contents
How long does it take for sisterlocks to lock up?
Q: How long does it take to do Sisterlocks? A: The initial locking process takes about two thirds as long as getting extensions of comparable size. For medium length hair this means about eight to twelve hours (maybe longer!).
How do I style my sisterlocks?

Can you braid your sisterlocks?
Long or short, they look beautiful. Aside from their beauty, Sisterlocks are incredibly versatile since you can roller set, color, braid, or wear them wild and free.
What are the disadvantages of Sisterlocks?
- You have to follow a very structured lifestyle and regimen.
- Some women experience excessive loc breakage.
- You cannot use any moisturizing products in your hair (while the Sisterlocks are settling).
Do Sisterlocks break easily?
Red Flag #3 โ Bad Diet Your Sisterlocks keep breaking off, or dreads not looking up to par, lack of quality protein and vitamin deficiency can cause dry, brittle, easily breakable locks.
How do you sleep with Sisterlocks?
- Finger comb your locks to the top of your head, for those with longer locks put them into a pineapple style.
- Use a silk or satin scarf, fold the scarf into a triangle, wrap the back of your head with the broad side of the scarf, tie the two ends together at the top.
Are Sisterlocks high maintenance?
Sisterlocks are relatively low maintenance, being that you don’t need to detangle or style your hair every day. However, you do need to keep your locks clean for the best results. Washing your locs can be a tricky process because they can unravel, especially when they are new.
How often should you wash your hair with Sisterlocks?
Between retightening appointments, a person should wash their hair every 1 to 2 weeks with a gentle shampoo. Afterward, they should separate the locs.
Are sisterlocks braided or twisted?
As we noted above, sisterlocks are a versatile natural hairstyle that consists of tiny-sized dreadlocks. Instead of relying on a twisting or rolling technique, sisterlocks are created by using a special tool that builds the locks from the ends of hair to the root.
What are the stages of sisterlocks?
The four main stages of sisterlocks are (i) pre-locking, (ii) budding, (iii) sprouting and (iv) contraction phases. At each of these four stages, the locs look and feel different.
What’s the difference between sisterlocks and Microlocs?
Sisterlocks are more intricate to start than microlocs. They are made by parting the hair in a specific grid then locked using an interlocking tool. For microlocs, a coil, twist or braid is formed then a product (waxes or gel) is applied while hand rolling to facilitate locking.
How many Sisterlocks is normal?
How Many Sisterlocks Should I Have? Loc count varies according to hair density, the size you want your locs to be as well as the size of your head. Typically, women with Sisterlocks can have anywhere from 400 to more than 800 Sisterlocks.
Will my Sisterlocks get thicker?
The initial look of your Sisterlocksโข will change. Depending on your hair type, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to up until a year for your Sisterlocksโข to settle in. Your Sisterlocksโข will increase in thickness after a few washing by about 100%. The ends will always remain a little thicker than the root.
Can I spray water on my Sisterlocks?
Spray can be used as needed on mature locs. For locs still in their infancy, exclude oil (or only a few drops) and minimize use to when you hair is very dry.
How often do you have to tighten Sisterlocks?
How often should my locks be retightened? It is recommended every 4 to 8 weeks. Your first retightening should take place no longer that 4 weeks after your initial install. Sisterlocksยฎ are low maintenance, however, consistant maintenance is required for best results.
What type of hair is best for Sisterlocks?
Sisterlocks can be done on relaxed or natural hair. Sisterlocks thrive the best when done on coarser hair textures. All Type 4 hair types will look great with Sisterlocks. This hair type will make installation easier, and their locs will have a lot of body and fullness to them.
Can Sisterlocks cause hair loss?

How do I prepare my hair for Sisterlocks?
You need to wash your hair before your installation. You should have a minimum of two washes but can do three if your Loctitian advises. For the first wash, it is recommended to do a deep conditioning treatment. For the last wash, you can do a hot oil treatment before you wash.
Do I have to cut my hair to get Sisterlocks?
โNo, you don’t have to cut your hair. Sisterlocks can be started with your relaxed length left untouched as relaxed hair will not lock. As your hair grows, and is set into a locked pattern, your relaxed hair will be trimmed away.
How do I stop my Sisterlocks from thinning?

Should u oil your locs everyday?
There is no need to introduce moisture to your locs every single day, especially if your hair doesn’t need it. You should only do it on a need-to basis, meaning when they start to feel dry or brittle.
Does Sisterlocks make your hair grow?
Sisterlocks’ low manipulation experience gives your hair the best environment in which to grow long. In fact, all different forms of locs experience exponential growth due to the fact that they are basically a permanent protective hair style.
Can you use a curling iron on Sisterlocks?

How do you keep Sisterlocks neat?
Apply the Sisterlock shampoo directly to your scalp. Always wash with your fingertips, rather than your nails. If you change the direction of your application, your Sisterlocks and get loose and fuzzy. The Sisterlock shampoo is specially formulated to clean your hair and scalp while keeping the shape of your locks.