How do I make my Nikon D800 take sharp pictures?

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If you are shooting a D800 hand-held and you want maximum sharpness (either for large prints or for cropping), then you’ll definitely want to use at least 1/2x focal length as your shutter speed. This can be done by using Auto ISO.

What settings should I use for wedding photography?

A typical setting for the portraits would be 1/60 second shutter speed, F5. 6 (or higher you need more light), and ISO 400. Keep in mind you are setting the exposure for the background, so one thing we always think about is how much of the background do we really want to see?

What mode do wedding photographers shoot in?

Both Shutter Priority Mode and Aperture Priority Mode have their downfalls, which is why it’s best to shoot your wedding photography on Manual Mode. Manual Mode allows you to set each camera value, which leaves nothing up to chance.

How do I set white balance on Nikon D800?

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What F stop to use for weddings?

Generally, this will be in the daytime with plenty of light, so choose a large aperture (f/2.8-f/5.6) to keep the couple in focus and the background slightly blurred. Use a shutter speed of 1/125th of a second so you can see some of the confetti in the air.

What shutter speed should I use for wedding photography?

For weddings and hand-holding images, we’d recommend a shutter speed of 1/100th of a second or faster. A slower shutter speed is quite the opposite. With a slower shutter speed, you’re allowing your camera’s shutter to open and close at a slower rate.

What focus mode should I use for weddings?

Using Servo AF AI Servo AF is the mode that should be used whenever moving subjects are to be photographed at wedding venues. Holding down the shutter button halfway allows you to capture moving subjects with this AF mode because it was designed to do so even when the focusing distance is constantly shifting.

Do wedding photographers use flash?

Using Flash at the Reception The main place that wedding flash photography will be used is during the reception. This is because the venues are usually dark or if outdoor, at night, and you will need to add artificial lighting to illuminate your subjects.

Can you shoot a wedding without a flash?

To directly answer the question: yes, it is possible to shoot a wedding without flash.

Is Nikon D800 sharp?

If there’s one thing the D800+24-70 is, it’s sharp. As for the role the camera body plays, it’s pretty much either working fine, or not working at all, with very little in between. The rest depends upon practice. If you give us a sample or two, we can help you nail it down.

How do I change the focus point on my Nikon D800?

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How do I change the shutter speed on my Nikon D800?

View the exposure information in the bottom area of the viewfinder or in the control panel. While the meter is activated, use your thumb to roll the Main Command dial left and right to see the changed exposure values. Roll the dial to the right for faster shutter speeds and to the left for slower speeds.

Does the Nikon D800 have auto mode?

The D800 features six AF Area modes – single point, 9-point, 21-point, 51-point, 51-point ‘3D’ tracking, and Auto Area mode (shown below). In single-servo autofocus (AF-S) operation only the single and auto modes are available. All other modes require the camera to be set to continuous-servo autofocus (AF-C).

How do I change the f stop on my Nikon D800?

To set your exposure using the aperture, depress the shutter release button until the meter is activated. Then rotate the Sub-command dial to change the aperture. Rotate right for a smaller aperture (large f-stop number) and left for a larger aperture (small f-stop number).

How do you set a custom white balance on a Nikon?

To set a custom white balance, simply take a photo of a white sheet of paper or white balance grey card under the same light as your subject while using manual focus mode on your DSLR. Nikon cameras offer a range of pre-set White Balance modes that easily correct the colour temperatures of your images.

Which aperture is sharpest?

If you’re shooting flat subjects, the sharpest aperture is usually f/8. My lens reviews give the best apertures for each lens, but it is almost always f/8 if you need no depth of field.

What mode do most professional photographers shoot in?

Aperture priority: background is in soft focus Many professional photographers work with their cameras in the semi-automatic modes of Aperture Priority or Shutter Priorityโ€”modes that share some of the responsibility for exposure with the camera’s computer.

How do I know which f-stop to use?

If someone tells you to use a large aperture, they’re recommending an f-stop like f/1.4, f/2, or f/2.8. If someone tells you to use a small aperture, they’re recommending an f-stop like f/8, f/11, or f/16. As you can see, an f-stop like f/2.8 represents a much larger aperture opening than something like f/16.

Do pro photographers use auto mode?

Other professional photographers may use automatic shutter speed, or aperture control and almost all use autofocus to a degree. And occasionally conditions call for full auto, e.g. when either you don’t want to think about anything other than composition or your timing.

How do you take good wedding photos with low light?

When taking Wedding Photos in low light look For Alternate Light Sources. Candles, light streaming through a window and other ambient lights can help you create beautiful shots. You’ll have to get in close to capture the shot, but you can come up with some really unique wedding ideas by using creative light sources.

Which practice can help you capture better photos at a wedding?

A fast shutter speed is a good starting point for wedding photography because you’ll capture lots of movement. For starters, set the shutter speed to 1/200 or faster. Then try shutter priority mode to really freeze moments. Set the shutter speed to 1/500th of a second to capture active moments.

How do you shoot a wedding ceremony?


What focus mode should I use Nikon?

  • Best for static subjects like landscapes โ€“AF-S.
  • Best for tracking moving subjects, such as birds in flight โ€“AF-C.
  • Best for both moving and still subjects in the frame โ€“ AF-A.
  • Best for specific focusing requirements โ€“ MF.

What is the best setting for autofocus?

AF single is the best AF mode for static subjects, such as portraits, macro, and architecture, since there’s no need for tracking or covering a wide area.

Can you shoot a wedding with one lens?

It takes practice and you need to be comfortable with your gear. This is definitely even more crucial when shooting a wedding where there are a lot of blink-and-you-miss-it moments. At the same time, if you know how to use your gear and understand it’s limitation, there’s a lot you can do with just one lens.

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